XIX. International Conference on Patristic Studies
5.-9. August 2024
The International Conference on Patristics Studies meets under the auspices of the Faculty of Theology and Religion, and the Faculty of Classics, of the University of Oxford
contributions and workshops
We invite delegates to submit their abstracts for either a) short communications (12 min.) or b) workshop proposals. The latter should comprise the agreed names and titles of at least 3 other potential delegates (coming from at least two different countries – England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland counting as one country). Workshop proposals can contain up to 12 members and papers and, if comprehensive enough, can lead to a separate Studia Patristica volume.
Workshop sessions last 2.5 hours (which must include 30 mins discussion), and workshops with more than 4 participants may request further sessions on other days.
Reminder: only *one* contribution can be accepted (*either* a short communication *or* a workshop proposal and paper), so that as many people as possible have the opportunity to present their work. Remember to submit your abstract as early as possible, as the Conference is usually oversubscribed.
Since its inception in 1951 as the First International Conference on Patristic Studies, organized by Frank Leslie Cross (1900-1968), Lady Margaret Professor of Divinity in the University of Oxford, this four-yearly gathering of scholars from around the world has become a major event for the many disciplines concerned with Patristics. It gives scholars at all stages of their careers the opportunity to engage with a critical, but sympathetic audience.
The directors of the Conference have been selected and confirmed by the Faculty of Theology and Religion of the University of Oxford to organize and manage the Conference. As the Conference is non-profit oriented, the directors are unpaid volunteers.

date and events
The XIX. Conference will be held from Monday 5 August 2024 to Friday 9th August 2024. It will take place, as usual, in the Examination Schools in the High Street, Oxford. We expect around 600 delegates.
publication of the proceedings
The proceedings of the Conference will be peer reviewed and published in the series Studia Patristica (Peeters: Leuven) and will be available within two years after the Conference has been held. The papers given at the XIX. Conference will be published in around 15 volumes in the year 2026.
Submissions for publication in Studia Patristica must follow the style guide (downloadable here).
Word length for Short Communications (up to 6,000 words), for longer papers (up to 12,000 words)
When you have revised your paper in the light of discussion at the conference, please submit it as an electronic word document before December 31st 2024.
You can upload your full paper via the Oxford Abstracts online submission system.
Please enter the email and password that you originally used when submitting your abstract. If you have forgotten your password click the prompt link and an email will be sent to you to confirm your password.
Peer review will begin in late August 2024 and will be completed by March 31st 2025.
Conference Survey
We are interested in hearing about your experiences at the conference. We would love to have your feedback after your visit.
Alternatively, if you have the conference app, the survey can be found by pressing the ‘Feedback’ button on the home page of the app.
length of communications
Short Communications: 15 minutes. Your session chair will ring a bell at 12 minutes to signal that you should reach your conclusion, and again at 15 minutes to signal that it is time for questions, which will end at 18 minutes to allow for changeover.
Workshops: conveners decide the length of papers and the distribution of time for questions and discussion. Each workshop session must have at least 30 minutes in total of general discussion.
The abstracts remain live at the Conference webblog.